L192 Merchant

Add your product

Add your product

Through Website

Go to Product List -> Upload

  1. Product Title: Enter the title of the product in three languages. This is the name customers will see when browsing your store.
  2. Product Detail: Provide detailed descriptions of the product in three languages. Describe the features, materials used, and any unique selling points.
  3. Product Variation: Specify the available variations of the product such as color and size. This helps customers choose the option that suits them best.
    • Colors: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow
    • Sizes: Small, Medium, Large
  4. Product Weight and Size: Provide the weight and dimensions of the product for shipping and storage purposes.
    • Weight: 300 grams
    • Size: 25cm x 10cm x 5cm
  5. Offer Price: Set the price at which the product will be sold to customers.
  6. Product Type:
    • Consumable
    • Require Freezer
    • Remote Stock: with this option enabled, your product is available for shopping and once it is ordered, you have to prepare and ship product to L192 before we deliver it to customer
    • Second Hand
  7. Media: Upload high-quality images and a video of the product. Images should show the product from different angles and in various colors to give customers a clear idea of what they are purchasing.
  8. Product Brand: Specify the brand or manufacturer of the product.
  9. Product Vendor: Provide the name of the company or vendor selling the product.
  10. Product Category: Assign the product to relevant categories to improve discoverability on your store. Customers can browse products by category to find what they're looking for more easily.

Merchant Center